Friday, October 29, 2010

One word per country

If you had to describe what you learned from each country you've visited and you only had one of two words to do it in, what would you say? In one word, what did you take away from that experience? I've been asked so many times what it was like to be here or there and usually I have only a few words to wrap up the feeling, or I haven't conveyed what I truly feel. Each country gives you something - some feeling that no other one does. It's tough to nail down, but I would love to hear what you think and what you would say. This is what I have so far:

Afghanistan - Resilience (كركه) reality حقيقت
Amsterdam - disinhibition (Ontremming)
Brussels, Belgium - Leadership(Leiderschap)Hope(espoir)
Germany - strength/solid (Festkörper)
Ireland - delight (aoibhneas)
Paris, France - Such is life (c'est la vie)
Switzerland - no fear, adventure (Abenteuer)

This is just a start. How about you? Thoughts?

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