Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It's finally here!

My order for the Clothbound Penguin Classics series has arrived! Now to find a proper place to display them. Adding them to the hundreds on my bookshelf just doesn't seem adequate. Maybe on there own shelf on the wall next to the piece of art I was talking about making from the Charley Harper Memory Game. I'll show you guys what I decide to try. Send ideas my way!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Memory game to piece of art

Here's my idea: Take the 30-some pieces of the Charley Harper Memory Game and create a piece of art for my white wall. I'm thinking about gluing the pieces onto cardboard I get from cutting up one of my moving boxes. The pieces will cover the cardboard, so none of the box will show. Then use decoupage glue to cover the whole thing. All I'll need to do after that is find a great frame at either a garage sale or antique store. What do you think?

This is the memory game: